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- ; This batch file creates a plot a bandstop filter which suppresses
- ; frequencies between 7 cycles per second and 15 cycles per second for
- ; data sampled every 0.02 seconds, using the Hanning window. It is used
- ; in Chapter 13, "Signal Processing", of _Using IDL_.
- @sigprc01.bat ; compute time data sequence u
- ; Compute the kaiser filter coefficients:
- delt = 0.02 ; sampling period in seconds
- f_low = 15. ; frequencies above f_low will be passed
- f_high = 7. ; frequencies below f_high will be passed
- a_ripple = 50. ; ripple amplitude will be less than -50 dB
- nterms = 40 ; the order of the filter
- ; Compute the impulse response = the filter coefficients
- bs_ir_k = DIGITAL_FILTER(f_low*2*delt, f_high*2*delt, a_ripple, nterms)
- u_filt = BLK_CON(bs_ir_k, u) ; convolve the Kaiser filter with the signal
- v = FFT(u) ; spectrum of original signal
- v_filt = FFT(u_filt) ; spectrum of filtered signal
- ; log-log plot of power spectra
- f = FINDGEN(N/2+1) / (N*delt) ; f = [0.0, 1.0/(N*delt), ... , 1.0/(2.0*delt)]
- PLOT, f, ABS(v(0:N/2))^2, YTITLE='Power Spectrum', /YLOG, $
- XTITLE='Frequency in cycles / second', /XLOG, $
- XRANGE=[1.0,1.0/(2.0*delt)], XSTYLE=1, $
- TITLE='Spectrum of u(k) Before (solid) and!CAfter (dashed) Digital Filtering'
- OPLOT, f, ABS(v_filt(0:N/2))^2, LINESTYLE=2